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Version: 2.4


This menu [Configuration>Accounts Management>Accounts] can be used to manage users in the system. After installing the system, You have one predefined account: admin.

The list of Users is contained in a table which has the following columns:

  • Username - unique User name
  • Role - the role assigned to a user that is configured in the menu [Configuration>Account Management>User Roles]
  • Status - User status - active/inactive
  • First name - User first name
  • Last name - User second name
  • Actions
    • Edit - edit an existing User
    • Change password - change User password
    • Delete - delete User

To add a new User account click New account button then fill out the New account form.

  • Username - unique User name
  • Role - List of roles (Configuration>Account Management>User Roles) created in the system that can be added to the User . Two roles are predefined in the system: Administrator, User.
  • First name - User first name
  • Last name - User second name
  • Active account switch - status switch, active/inactive
  • Password - User password
  • Confirm password - confirm password